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2002Napoli Film Festival
Data: 26/09/2016 - 02/10/2016
edizione 2016: dal 26/09 al 02/10
Feature films, without preclusion of type or style, will be considered eligible for participation in the Festival. The films must have been majority produced by a producer/producers established in Europa and Mediterranean countries. All films presented must have been completed after January 1, 2014.
costo d'iscrizione: Free
scadenza del bando: 05/08/2016
mese dell'evento: settembre 2016
The Vesuvio Award (bronze statuette).
Augustus Color Award: Consisting of 5 DCP to be used for the Italian distribution of the winning feature film;
Avanti! Award by The company "Lab 80 film": The prize consist in the acquisition of the movie for distribution in Italy by Lab 80 film, after reaching economic agreement with the rights holders .
modalità d'iscrizione:
Participation in the competition is by invitation or direct request. The request for submission to the competition must be made through the official submission form (Annex 1). Those parties that wish to participate in the selection process must complete and send the submission form to the Selection Committee no later than July 15, 2016.
Enrolment to the competition is free of charge.
The Festival’s Artistic Management Committee will select the films for participation in the competition. Their judgement will be final.
To be considered, the submission request must be sent with:
a) DVD disc (zone 2 or universal format),
b) CD/DVD with:
press book (film synopsis, Director’s biography and complete filmography),
still photographs of the Director and the film (jpeg 300 dpi);
c) 30/60” trailer on DVD.
The submitted material will not be returned. The DVD copy will be kept in the Napoli Film Festival archive, exclusively for study purposes.
link da cui scaricare la documentazione per l'iscrizione: